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  • franita6

Influencing the Rate of Sale Beyond Price Cuts and Advertising

Suppliers and manufacturers are often tempted to rely heavily on price promotions and extensive advertising campaigns to boost their rate of sale. However, while these tactics can be effective, they are not the only ways to enhance product movement. Smart suppliers and manufacturers are discovering that strategic, non-price adjustments can significantly impact sales velocity, preserve margins, and enhance brand value.


Here’s how you can influence your rate of sale without defaulting to price drops or increased advertising.


Optimise Product Ranging

Strategically tailored product offerings can significantly boost sales when aligned with regional and demographic demands. By leveraging data analytics, you can focus on promoting products in areas where sales are already strong and identify similar settings where these products might also perform well. At BD-Nav, we regularly observe that suppliers who take a strategic approach to product range not only improve delivery fill rates but also increase sales of specific products.



Leverage Data Analytics

Use data analytics to understand product demand and sales trends. Tools like BD-Nav’s D-Nav Toolkit provide insights into which products are likely to be popular with different demographic groups at different times. This allows retailers to tailor their stock and marketing strategies more effectively, promoting the right product to the right customer at the right time.


Improve Inventory Management

Maintaining the optimal stock level ensures a productive in-store shelf, reducing the chance of lost sales due to stockouts. Equally, it prevents overstocking which can lead to discounted clearances. Inventory management systems can help forecast demand more accurately, keeping your supply chain lean and efficient.


Expand Customer Base

Instead of lowering prices to attract existing customers, focus on widening your customer base. Partnerships with other brands, cross-promotions, or exploring new market segments can introduce your products to new audiences and drive sales growth sustainably.


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Jun 30

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